We're nearly there - time to get involved!
OK, hands up who's had a haircut since the last email? Hurrah! Things are looking UP, people. I mean, even the weather has improved!
More good news is that we've had some lovely donations of browsing bins (see above) from Brent Libraries (thanks, guys!) and the childrens' library is, dare we say it, almost ready to receive visitors! We think it's looking good, what do you think?
Also, the library is now available to HIRE. Hurrah! This is an important moment for us as we take our first steps towards becoming self-supporting. Please do come along to these classes - they're run by great people!
We've also got an important fundraising announcement - read on for more details.
The volunteer base grows by the week. In April we welcome Christina Piccinini and Sue Berry. Welcome, both, and let's hope we have something for you to get stuck into soon.
Continuing the good news, we've been joined on the Management Committee by Princess Francis, who'll be helping out the Programmes and Volunteers team, who'll be buildling our programme of events on offer at the library as we start to open up. Welcome, Princess! We are always looking for new people to join the management committee - so if you're interested, drop us a line. Most sub committee meetings take place during the day, and any work arising can be done in your own time. There's lots to get your teeth into! I would personally appreciate help with any of the following, as soon as possible!
- dealing with bookings for the library spaces
- input on fundraising applications
- organising and supporting our volunteers
Work has been happening steadily on the book stock and we now have a sizeable collection. The fiction shelves look full, to me, and volunteers have been working hard to fill the Young Adult, Non-Fiction and Large Print sections. We have a surprisingly capacious library for a relatively small space.
Those of you who were trained last year in book cataloguing should already heard from Steven Cary by email about signing up for shifts to catalogue with him on Monday mornings. If you have difficulties with your log in for Three Rings, please ask for help and I'll be happy to sort you out.
Those of you who have volunteered to join the book stock team but not been trained, please be patient a while longer - everything is taking longer than we'd like because we have to work in such small teams, but you'll get a chance to volunteer at some point soon.
Crowdfunder II - This Time It's Personal
The redoubtable Alan Carter, whiz at fixing shelves to walls, and whipping unsuspecting retirees into crack painting teams, has now dipped his toe into fundraising on our behalf. He's set up a crowdfunder to raise the remaining funds needed to finish the library counter and cafe area. We can function as a library without this, but the difference having this finished will make can't be underestimated. We have a fabulous location opposite the park, and on the walk to school route for many mums and dads. Imagine popping in for a cappuccino after drop off, or while your kids are playing rugby in the park on a cold winter's day... Nice thought, eh?
Help us make it happen, and take a look at Alan's crowdfunding page. It would be great if you could make small contribution, but the most important thing is to get this page shared as widely as possible. It's the CROWD that makes the CROWDfunder.
In line with government advice, we're opening up the library for hire from the week beginning Monday 17 May.
There are already three potential activities in there, which could do with your support to get off the ground.
See below for more details on each, and if you think you might like to hire one of our spaces, you know what to do!
Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 May - Hartbeeps Cricklewood and the Hyde will be in the activity room, providing musical activities for little ones. The classes will run from 0930-1230 on both days. Contact Yvette Dwyer for more details, or check out her website.
Thursday 20 May - Beginners Pilates with Arianna Petralia. Classes start at 6pm. For more info email Arianna. Full course £40.00 for four weeks, or drop in £12.
Friday 21 May - Pilates for Runners with Sofia Ali. Those of you who already know Sofia for leading Ladies Walk to Run in Gladstone Park might find this particularly interesting. Sofia is offering lessons every Friday between 0915 and 1015. Perfect for that after drop-off "me time" we all need, right? For more info, email Sofia or check out her website.
The Big Draw Festival 2021
We've signed up to take part in this year's Big Draw project. What is The Big Draw? Well, in their own words, The Big Draw "is a pioneering visual literacy charity dedicated to raising the profile of drawing as a tool for wellbeing, thought, creativity, social and cultural engagement. The charity leads a diverse programme of advocacy, empowerment and engagement, and is the founder and driving force behind The Big Draw Festival – the world’s biggest celebration of drawing.
The Big Draw manages collaborative research projects, campaigns and educational conferences on visual literacy, digital technology and STEAM. The charity supports professional and emerging artists through its national contemporary art prize, The John Ruskin Prize and exhibition, and through events, awards, and competitions, creates platforms for each and everyone who wants to draw."
It would be marvellous to have the help of an artistic volunteer to help us design a programme of activities over the summer as part of the festival. Activities, on this year's theme of "Make the Change", would run throughout the summer, and culminate in the month-long Festival which runs from 1-30 October.
Statements of Support Needed
We'd like to apply for more funds from the Brent Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy fund. To do this, we have to demonstrate community support and need for what the library will provide. If you feel strongly about our reopening, we'd love it if you could take a moment to email us to say so. Or if emails are sooooo last century, we're also open to Tik Tok videos of your interpretive dance expressions of love. Thank you.
Always Marry an April Girl
Praise the spells and bless the charms,
I found April in my arms.
April golden, April cloudy,
Gracious, cruel, tender, rowdy;
April soft in flowered languor,
April cold with sudden anger,
Ever changing, ever true --
I love April, I love you.
Ogden Nash